Elbow 肘

Anatomy 結構

Elbow is a joint made of 3 bones, Humerus (the arm bone), Radius and ulna (the forearm bones).

The elbow allows a single planar motion, called elbow flexion and extension. But the two bones in the forearm can rotate along a axis. This bring a further degree of freedom, called supination and pronation.

A group of muscles, wrist flexor, has a common attachment at the inner part of the elbow. Another group of muscle, wrist extensor, also has a common attachment at elbow, this time is at the outer aspect. When there are inflammation, they lead to tennis elbow (the outer aspect) and golfer elbow (the inner aspect). While the name implies a condition in sportsman, this is not the case. Housewife and office worker appears being more affected.

Three major nerves travel across the elbow to reach their desination in forearm and hand. The inner elbow has a groove where a nerve, ulnar nerve, pass along. When compression occur there, it will cause numbness over the little finger, a condition called tardive ulnar nerve palsy or Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.

Elbow model 手踭關節模型
Ulnar nerve at cubital tunnel
Ulnar Nerve at cubital tunnel 尺神經在肘隧道





Pathology 毛病

Disease 病變

The followings are common pathologies in elbow

  • Tennis elbow 網球肘(網球手)
  • Golfer elbow 高爾夫球肘(高爾夫球手
  • Olecranon Bursitis 肘部滑囊炎
  • Tardive Ulnar Nerve Palsy (Cubital Tunnel Syndrome) 延遲性尺神經麻痺(肘隧道症候群)
  • Supracondylar fracture 肱骨的髁上骨折
  • Olecranon fracture 鷹嘴骨折
  • Radial head fracture 橈骨頭骨折

Investigation 評估

MRI is required to review soft tissue status. X-ray would be needed for bony pathology. Nerve conduction study might be indicated for possible nerve palsy.


Management 治療

Conservative treatments are indicated for majority of cases. They included,

  • Physiotherapy
  • Chiropractor
  • TCM practitioner
  • Prescribed Exercise
  • Medication

For cases failed conservative treatments, or when the injury is unstable, then surgical intervention would be indicated. Persistent nerve palsy is a strong indication for surgical intervention to prevent permanent nerve damage.

For patients with witnessed deterioration, surgical intervention might be advocated.



  • 物理治療
  • 脊醫
  • 中醫
  • 處方運動
  • 藥物(口服及外敷)



Common Interventions include

  • Injection of steroid
  • Injection of PRP
  • Injection of hyaluronic acid
  • casting
  • Anterior Transposition of Ulnar Nerve
  • Arthroscopic loose body removal
  • Surgical reduction and plating
  • Radial head Replacement
  • Total Elbow Replacement
